Sassy C Diaz, also known by her government name, Dee Latcher, has been performing in the Phoenix Drag since 2014! Originally from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Sassy moved here in 2007 and the rest is history! Since starting her drag career Sassy has captured many titles, awards, and nominations while competing in numerous pageants and competitions. Some of her titles include: Miss Arizona Diva USofA, Miss Arizona Renaissance Newcomer Femme, Miss Charlie's Pride, and currently 1st Alt to Miss Southwest Diva USofA.

Sassy Diaz multi title holder in yellow pageant dress plays coy to the camera

Sassy has donated her time and talents to many organizations here in the Valley, including The Imperial Court of Arizona, Phoenix Pride, NAACP of Tucson just to name a few. Currently, she is Dame XV for the Imperial Court of AZ. Sassy is known for her giant heart, fun loving attitude, and willingness to drop everything for a friend in need. She is a generous person, not only with her time (Sassy has multiple drag daughters and sons) but she donates at almost every fundraising event that is held at local bars throughout the year.

We love Sassy because she can TURN a performance! She bucks, clucks, lurks and twerks the crowd to standing ovations, and no matter what venue she visits, everyone becomes a fan by the end of her set. She is a mother of 4 and a grandmother of one (trust us, it blows our minds too). Sassy is an expert in being a black woman, and is your favorite pan, petty, poly, pothead, splitting, high kicking granny, and is here to serve the house down boots. We are so excited to have her in November's Drag Brunch! Tickets are on sale now - Doors open at 10am Show starts promptly at 11am!

Purchase tickets to Fiona & Friends Drag Brunch at Social Hall in Tempe